Multicriteria Detector Testing

Multicriteria Detector Testing

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Testifire is the world’s first multi-stimulus detector tester for smoke, heat and CO fire detectors. It enables faster and more efficient testing of both single and multi-sensor detectors. Two models, Testifire 1000 and Testifire 2000, are available. Testifire 1000 tests sensors by producing heat and smoke, and the Testifire 2000 tests sensors by producing heat, smoke, and carbon monoxide in a single unit. Testifire, depending on a business’s needs, can deliver each stimulus individually or deliver all three stimuli simultaneously. These multicriteria detector testers produce smoke, carbon monoxide and heat without pressurized cans or hazardous materials, such as silicone. Testifire produces more than one stimulus at a time, lowering the overall testing time to 66%. Testifire also uses a clearing cycle, which allows detectors to reset without triggering their alarms again. Businesses that use these multicriteria detector testers save time with a module that links to a third party reporting software. Directly reporting the Testifire’s findings saves precious time and labor.